Dental Engineering

is Fourteen Years Old!

The 21st July 2024 marked 14yrs of Dental Engineering. In July 2010, jobless and totally penniless, Paul borrowed £4k off his parents and decided to work as an independent dental equipment engineer until he found a decent job. One month later we were so busy that the business was incorporated, and that was the start of the journey that’s led us to today.

Dental Engineering is 14

We are very proud of the team we have. There’s only seven of us (soon to be eight with our new trainee), and we look after 712 practices across the North of England and North Wales. This is no easy task, but all staff carry out their daily duties with much passion (and a little mischief too!).

We are eternally grateful to all our clients, past and present, and our suppliers that help us to do what we do.

P.S: Paul says he still hasn’t found a decent job 🤣

If you would like Dental Engineering to look after your practice then call us now on 0330 124 4151

You can also follow us on Facebook & Twitter

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