Have you ever thought of a time without impressions or models, digital impressions give you this.

With the right technology, digital impressions are now possible and there are many benefits to your daily workflow from adopting this technology. Increased revenue from increased patient acceptance, better throughput of patients by producing more in house, better all round for you and your patients.

As a dentist, there are many technologies to choose from, all designed to improve patient care and maximise the efficient running of your practice, as technologies improve then the possibilities to grow you practice open up.

Incorporating a digital model free workflow into your practice is one of these possibilities, it is one that can distinguish you from your competition and put you at the fore front of modern digital dentistry.

Talk to Dental Engineering about how you can incorporate the workflow process from digital scanning to a CAD/CAM produced ceramic restoration in one patient visit without taking a traditional impression or producing models.

Digital impressions make life easier, if you’re not happy with the impression, simply re-scan, it’s easy to go over an area you might have missed and get the information you need, you can’t do this quickly with traditional impressions. The prep is viewed on a large screen and this makes it possible to see things that you might not see on a traditional model. The scanned view allows you to ensure the bite and other parameters are as they should be, before the scan is sent to a digital lab or your own on site milling unit.

You then get a crown or unit that is accurate and fits, no need to worry about distortion or margin accuracy. Any problems can be seen immediately on the screen at the digital impression stage and any adjustments done before the scan is sent.

Fewer adjustments, contact points are spot on, occlusion and bite are spot on, this increases your efficiency and patient acceptance is far better, they don’t go through the horrid process of impressions, which anyone who has had one will testify.

Digital impressions and digital dentistry is where dentistry is heading, making it most important to find the right technology for you and potentially your lab should you choose a digital lab service rather than an in house milling unit.

A digital workflow gives you a competitive advantage, whether you are just interested in digital impressions or want to try a model free workflow, speak with Dental Engineering and we will help you choose the best technology to invest in for your practice. Your patients will see this investment and the care you put into their teeth and well-being this will in turn make your practice stand out over the others and allow you to enjoy dentistry in a modern digital world.

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