New Service Software

The new Dental Engineering Service Software Launches 23rd May!

Free to our contract clients, this software will assist in enhancing the value of an annual maintenance plan. Below are some of the benefits of working with us:

  • Regular maintenance can optimize the performance of dental equipment, leading to improved patient care.
  • Prevent unexpected equipment failures, reduce downtime and avoid disruptions to your operations with our reliable maintenance services.
  • Extend the lifespan of your dental equipment with regular maintenance to save money and reduce the need for repairs or replacements.
  • Keep your dental equipment safe and comply with regulations to avoid penalties and other consequences.
  • Regular maintenance of dental equipment helps practices comply with regulatory requirements and guidelines imposed by the GDC and HSE.
  • Bespoke plans: We offer customized maintenance plans based on your requirements.
  • Online client portal: Our portal presents key metrics in an intuitive and easy-to-understand way. You can download detailed reports or view site history at your convenience.
  • Digital Safe: Gain 24/7 access to all certifications and job sheets for added peace of mind.
  • Our client portal gives you a single database of all your assets with pertinent information, such as make, model, cost, and servicing dates.
  • Our ‘traffic light system’ for fault reporting means team members know where and how to report faults, and managers have an audit trail.
Dental Engineering Service Software
Dental Engineering Service Software

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