X-MIND prime 3D

EASY Acquisition.


X-MIND prime 3D – Lightweight design, ease of use, outstanding user experience and reliability, the principles that have always underpinned the prime products family, are the trumpcards of the brand new X-MIND prime 3D.

Take your choice and give your workflow the flip with the new X-MIND prime and don’t miss the chance to get the most out of a CBCT device, starting from the first step of the dental workflow.

With X-MIND prime 2, making an high quality CBCT has never been so easy.

New pleasant and more ergonomic design, lighter and smoother than ever before.

X-MIND prime 3D
X-MIND prime 3D

New powerful Centralized Management Suite software, especially developed to allow your device to perform at its best and for you to get the most out of it.

New advanced acquisition interface, featuring an attractive, intuitive, user-centric design.

For more information please call

Dental Engineering on 0330 124 4151

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